Composition History/theory/Practice: digital media theory

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Booklist: Available in the bookstore and on reserve at the library

Bergson, Henri.  Matter and Memory.  (Zone Books, 1991).

Bogost, Ian.  Persuasive Games. (MIT Press, 2007).

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia (University of Minnesota)

Galloway, Alexander and Eugene Thacker.  The Exploit (University of Minnesota, 2007).

Hansen, Mark B. N. New Philosophy for New Media. (MIT Press).

Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays (Harper Perennial, 1982).

Kittler, Friedrich. Discourse Networks 1800/1900 (Stanford UP).

---. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (Stanford UP).

McLuhan, Marshall.  Understanding Media (MIT Press).

Manovich, Lev.  The Language of New Media (MIT Press).

Massumi, Brian.  Parables for the Virtual (Duke UP).

Munster, Anna. Materializing New Media (Dartmouth College Press).

Shannon, Claude.  The Mathematical Theory of Communication (University of Illinois).

Strickland, Stephanie. Zone: Zero (Ashahta Press, 2008)

Weiner, Norbert. Cybernetics (MIT Press).

Additional readings/[pdfs]

Ansell-Pearson, Keith. Philosophy and the Adventure of the Virtual: Bergson and the Time of Life, 2002, " Virtual Image: Bergson on Matter and Perception"

Bateson, Gregory. Steps to an Ecology of Mind (University of Chicago Press, 1972), from Part V: Epistemology and Ecology.

Berners-Lee, Tim. Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web (HarperCollins, 1999). "Machines and the Web" and "Weaving the Web."

Castells, Manuel. The Rise of the Network Society, (Blackwell, 1996). Selections.

DeLanda, Manuel. Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy (Continuum, 2002), ch. "Introduction: Deleuze's World" and "The Mathematics of the Virtual: Manifolds, Vector Fields, and Transformation Groups"

---. A New Philosophy of Society, (Continuum, 2006), "Persons and Networks"

(Zone Books, 1988 (1966)). "Memory as Virtual Coexistence."

Flusser, Willem. The Shape of Things, a Philosophy of Design (Reaktion, 1999). Selections.

Galloway, Alexander. Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture (UP Minnesota, 2006), "Allegories of Control"

---. Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization (MIT, 2004), selections.

Gee, James Paul.What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy, revised and updated, (Palgrave-Mac, 2007, "36 Ways to Learn a Video Game"

Ranciere, Jacques.The Future of the Image (Verso, 2003). "The Future of the Image." "Painting in the Text"

---. The Politics of Aesthetics (Continuum, 2004), from "The Distribution of the Sensible"