Professor Jamie Skye Bianco
EngLit 2521-1010; Seminar 36091
Spring 2009, University of Pittsburgh
Mondays, 6-8:50PM, 362 Cathedral of Learning
Office Hours, Wednesdays, 2-3, and by appointment
Introduction to Digital Media Theory
This course provides a theoretical introduction to what are variously termed digital media, new media, computer-based communication, and digital writing.
Considering computational dynamics, networked social modes, technics and embodiment, and machinic composition practices prior to and subsequent to the arrival of computers and the World Wide Webs, the course will engage students in current issues such as: interaction and immersion; techno-utopianism and –determinism; the “new”-ness of media; affectivity; distribution, proliferation and control; networked sociality; bio-technics, embodiment, and human-computer interaction (HCI); digital writing, language, compositing, and critique.