witter Narratives


Day #1: The woman Venia, with her long ass gold hair and silicon eyes, is in marketing. She yanks out the hair in her eyebrows.


Day #2: To me, that’s kind of hilarious—beautiful women, intensely vulnerable.


Day #3: And you know, love is messy. It has scared me when it’s happened—filth and mistrust, a heart of glass.


Day #4: Riding the subway alone non-stop at 3 a.m., he took in every inch of me with his eyes. He was the devil’s advocate.


Day #5: My top splits and he rises. He’s like, “You’re a hot mess,” and I know what to do.


Day #6: I don’t care. He looks perfectly legit to me.


Day #7: A few hours later, I am dressed. The man, Jimmy, went to the show without me.


Three Rules: